Institute of Development Studies Jaipur
Aug 08 to 09 Aug,2019
Theme and Objectives Debates on STs and SCs have traversed through different theoretical postulates from Isolation-Integration-Assimilation theory in the 1940s, to the shift in paradigm from what is to be done to what want to be done in the 21st century. The ongoing debates may also be reviewed in the present day context of dynamic movements of resistance of different origin, type and nature. The SCs and STs is comprised of diverse groups with varied asset structure, accessibilities to more
Institute of Development Studies Jaipur
Dec 04 to 13 Dec,2017
Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur invites application from research scholars from universities/colleges/research institutions to participate in 10 days Course on Research Methodology. The programme is sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) and will be held during 4-13 December, 2017. The course will consist of lectures, seminars, group discussions and practical guidance. A maximum of 30 candidates will be selected based on their suitability. The participants will get free boarding and lodging on twin-sharing basis. For more
Institute of Development Studies Jaipur
Apr 20 to 20 Apr,2017
The Institute in collaboration with CRY New Delhi and Mahila Jan Adhikar Samiti Ajmer (MJAS) is organising a One day consultation on ‘Child Marriage: Understanding Different Dimensions and Building Alliances’ on April 20 2017. The consultation focuses on sharing experiences of organisations working on the different aspects of child marriage in Rajasthan. The findings of a recently completed KAP study in Ajmer district will also be shared. We also hope to arrive at a larger research agenda by building alliances across various districts in more
Institute of Development Studies Jaipur
Mar 28 to 29 Mar,2017
The Seminar Theme and Objectives The uphill task that the country encounters in the 21st century is not only the revival of sustainable economic growth but its inclusiveness as well. A socially justifiable distribution of the fruits of development is imperative for the sustenance of democratic fabric of the country. Drastic fall in the elasticity of employment from 0.52 during 1970s and 1980s to 0.04 in the early period of the 21st century did impact differently on the source more
Institute of Development Studies Jaipur
Mar 27 to 27 Mar,2017
IDSJ has recently completed the research study on Open and Distance Learning as a Cost Effective Option for Secondary Level Schooling in India: Potential and Prerequisites in Rajasthan . The Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode has been internationally recognized as an alternative model of secondary education for those with social, cultural and economic constraints especially in the context of high population and educationally backward countries. In India the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and State Open Schools (SOS) more