Hotel Indiana Pride, Jaipur

  Feb 17 to 17 Feb,2017

The Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur alongwith Centre for Advocacy and Research, Jaipur organized a one day Consultation on ‘Menstrual Hygiene and Management- Practices, Intervention and Challenges’ (with reference to Urban Areas) on 17 February, 2017 at Hotel Indiana Pride Jaipur. The objective of the Consultation was to develop a better understanding of MHM practices and interventions as well as the role and impact of Government policy and initiatives with specific reference to urban areas. The consultation was presided over more

  Institute of Development Studies Jaipur

  Nov 07 to 08 Nov,2016

A two day consultation on ‘Approach to Youth Policy’ was organized on 7th – 8th November 2016 in the Institute of Development Studies seminar hall. The workshop was organized by the Ajit Foundation, Jaipur. The participants were drawn from organizations working with youth, NGOs and civil society organizations as well as academic institutions. A number of young men and women also participated. India enjoys a large ‘demographic dividend’ as nearly 60 percent of the country’s population is the age more

  Institute of Development Studies Jaipur

  Jun 16 to 12 Jul,2014

The Forum on Contemporary Theory has been conducting an intensive theory/Praxis Course since 2003 for the benefit of scholars across disciplines interested in new developments in theory and application. The course includes intensive textual readings in specific areas, supported by seminars and talk on broader but related issue. This year the Theory/Praxis course was held in collaboration with the Institute from June 16-12 July more

The Institute organized the launch of Assem Shrivastava and Ashish Kothari’s book ‘Churning the Earth: The Making of Global India’ and discussion on ‘Radical Ecological Democracy: Escaping India’s Globalisation Trap’ on March 25, 2014. The participants included academicians; researchers, administrators, media representatives and others keenly interested in development issues. In his presentation titled ‘Radical Ecological Democracy: Escaping India’s Globalisation Trap, Mr Kothari underscored that the current dominant models of development emphasized material growth (through industrial and financial expansion) measured more

  Institute of Development Studies Jaipur

  Jan 18 to 18 Jan,2014

Approximately one crore Children die of malnutrition in the world. India too has a large number of deaths due to malnutrition. Rajasthan also has been facing the problem. Seeing the gravity of the situation IDS organized a one day workshop on January 18, 2014 along with Indian Council of Child Welfare and Flair jointly on Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition and usage of ICT. There were 90 participants in this workshop. The workshop was inaugurated by Shri Neeraj more