Venue: Conference Hall, Institute for Development Studies, Jaipur (IDSJ)
Local Host: IDSJ and Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship
10.30 to 11.00 | Welcome and Introductory Remarks – Prof. Mohanakumar S., Director, IDSJ – Dr. Pankaj Vashisht, RIS Opening Remarks – Dr. Arvind Mayaram, Chairperson, IDSJ |
11.00 to 13.45 | Theme 1: Industry 4.0, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Opportunities for Youth and Challenges Chair: Prof. Rakesh Basant, Former Professor and Ex-Chairperson, Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE.CO) at IIMA. This theme will be addressed through presentations by three speakers. Each person will be followed by an open discussion. Presentations/Speakers – Innovation Driven Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Youth: Policy Challenges in India – Prof. Rakesh Basant – Challenges of Innovation and Technology Commercialization in the Healthcare Sector – Mr. Rajneesh Bhandari, Founder, Cure Health and Neuro Equilibrium Diagnostic Systems Pvt. Ltd. – Disrupting the Education Sector in India by Leveraging Technology – Mr. Nishant Patni, Co-Founder, Hello English. |
Lunch Break | |
14.45 to 16.45 | Theme 2: Driving Innovations in the Handicrafts Sector – Challenges and Way Forward This theme will be covered through a panel discussion, followed by an open discussion. Chair and Moderator: Mr. Chintan Bakshi, CEO, Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship. Panelists – Ms. Priyanka Garg, Founder – Maaesa Clothing – Mr. Vijay Sharma, CEO & Co-Founder – Fabriclore – Mr. Soumya Tambi, Founder – Shefcoz |
16.45 to 17.15 | Informal Interaction over Tea/Coffee |