Institute of Development Studies

Established in 1981 on the initiative of a group of academicians, scholars
and administrators from Rajasthan

An autonomous Research Institute under Indian Council of Social Science Research – ICSSR
(Ministry of Education – Shiksha Mantralaya), Government of India & Government of Rajasthan


The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) is located in an institutional area in the southern part of the pink city of Jaipur. The two buildings of the IDS have been designed as per the need of the local environment and temperature. The IDS campus has three lush green lawns that are full of floras and faunas. The academic and administrative wings as also the library are in the main building. The other building hosts the Institute’s guesthouse and a cafeteria. A branch of Bank of Baroda with ATM facility is also housed in the campus.

The Institute has a well-equipped computer centre with Local Area Network (LAN) system that is managed by a dedicated Server on Windows Server platform. Accessibility to Internet has been extended to 50 nodes, and all faculty members are having institutional email address. The computer lab houses 5 PCs with Windows XP/Windows 7, and other essential software, including statistical packages like SPSS. The academic wings of the IDS campus is fully Wi-Fi enabled. The Wi-Fi facility is also available in the IDS guest house.

Ever since its inception, the IDS prioritised building up an excellent library in the area of social sciences. Over time, it has emerged as one of the leading reference libraries for the researchers in social sciences in the state of Rajasthan. The library has a rich collection of books, journals, publications of other research institutes (national and international), and government publications. The library possesses over 35,000 titles covering the fields of economics, sociology, demography, development studies, history, political science, anthropology, geography, and other allied areas. At present, it subscribes to 97 journals. In addition, it receives about 120 journals by way of gifts or exchanges. The library maintains an exchange programme of publications with a number of national and international organisations. It also subscribes to 10 daily newspapers, which helps researchers to keep track of policy and developmental issues. The working hour for the library is from 9.30 A.M. to 17.30 P.M. The library remains closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and a limited number of public holidays.

The IDS library uses the CDS/ISIS and WINISIS library software packages (developed by UNESCO) for easy and speedy storage, faster processing, and retrieval of information system. This also facilitates speedy retrieval of individual volumes/titles based on individual fields such as author, title, subject, key words, and accession number. This system also enables the library users to create print file of the search materials. The in-house indexing database of published articles of various academic journals touched 39,751 records by the end of March 2015.

Another important feature of the library is that it is the depository library of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, International Labour Organization, International Monetary Fund, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), etc. It has so far received more than 4,797 valuable publications from these sources. In addition, the library has a rich collection of research and reference materials obtained from various international agencies such as FAO, APO (Asian Productivity Organization), IDRC (International Development Research Center, Canada), IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute, USA), and IWMI (International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka).

The Institute’s library is equipped with 3 PCs for routine library work. The library also has a rich collection of various International Data bases on digital media such as the World Data (World Bank Indicators of Countries), World Development Sources by the World Bank, World Development Reports by the World Bank, Trade Can by UNCTAD, Food & Nutrition Library by IFPRI, and various useful CD databases of the International Labour Organization, Asian Development Bank, and the International Monetary Fund that make up for a compelling collection for scholars and researchers.

The Institute’s library has access to following useful online data bases:
1. JSTOR: A leading online full text archive of journals in Social Sciences
2. Online statistical data base covering diverse aspects of the Indian economy, released by the Datanet India, New Delhi
3. EPW (Full Text) & EPW Research Foundation’s Time series data base
4. Econlit (Economic Literature): by American Economic Association, USA
5. Political Science Complete: by Political Science Association, USA

Besides the IDS faculty and staff, the Institute’s library is frequently used by scholars from India and abroad, students and teachers from various institutions/universities, and officials from government departments.