Institute of Development Studies

Established in 1981 on the initiative of a group of academicians, scholars
and administrators from Rajasthan

An autonomous Research Institute under Indian Council of Social Science Research – ICSSR
(Ministry of Education – Shiksha Mantralaya), Government of India & Government of Rajasthan

Phd Programme

The Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur (IDSJ) launched its PhD programme in Economics in 2013-14. The IDSJ PhD programme is affiliated to the Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer. For admission in IDSJ, CUCET in economics has to be cleared and appear for interview. There are four PhD fellowships in IDSJ every year and the fellowships are awarded by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi. Monthly fellowship is Rs 16000/- with an annual contingency grant of Rs 15000/-. The PhD Programme in IDSJ is a full time course with internships in different research institutes in India. The PhD course work (six months) will be conducted jointly in CUR and IDSJ. On completion of the course work, the student selected for PhD programme for IDSJ will join IDSJ and continue their research.